Series 64 – OD
The Oldfield Series 64 OD models give the player everything from sweet cleans to buttery overdrive with some edgy blues tones thrown in between. The amp is footswitchable from clean to overdrive and includes lush reverb and tremolo. The overdrive channel can be tailored to fit the player’s needs with controls for overdrive trim, overdrive gain and overall overdrive level. The tone of the Series 64-OD is complex and dynamic, immediately responsive to the player.
The Oldfield Series 64 OD models can be built in a variety of power configurations starting with the 20W 6420-OD up to the 80W 6480-OD. Each of these models use a similar preamp section mated to a specific output section to give each amp it’s own unique tonal palette.
6420 Club D’Lux OD – 2 x 6V6
6440 Club 40 OD- 2 x 6L6
6480 Club 80 OD – 4 x 6L6
Click image to enlarge
– Preamp: 12AX7
– Power: 6420-OD 2x 6V6, 6440-OD 2x6L6, 6480-OD 4x6L6
– Bias: Fixed
– Rectifier: 5R4 / Solid State Selectable (Except 6480-OD)
– Phase Inverter: 12AX7 Long Tailed Pair
– Half Power Switch
– Reverb (Foot Switch)
– Bias Modulated Tremolo (Foot Switch Controlled)
– Cascaded Overdive Channel
– Bright Boost (Panel Switch Selectable)
– Mid Boost (Foot Switch And Panel Switch Selectable)
– Brilliance Switch (Panel Switch Selectable)
– Line Out (Only available without effects loop option)
– Effects Loop Option (Replaces line out)

Club D’Lux OD (Model 6420-OD) And Club 40 OD (Model 6440-OD)
$3,250- 1 x 12 Combo
$3,365 – 2 x 10 Combo
$3,025 – Head
Club 80 OD (Model 6480-OD)
$3,450 – 1 x 12 Combo
$3,215 – Head
Quoted prices are for amps with ceramic speakers. Alnico speakers available at additional cost.
As with all Oldfields custom coverings are available for no additional charge.
Effects loop available as an option – $150.